Doula Preparation Course Facilitator with Developing Doulas
I am a proud Doula course facilitator with Developing Doulas The Developing Doula ethos and DD Mission is to encourage doulas to develop a generosity of spirit that allows them to put their clients’ needs above their own and a willingness to empower others at the expense of their own egos. We aim to foster an attitude that encourages doulas to support each other just as they do their clients – unconditionally, without prejudice; working to create and foster safe, brave and nurturing spaces for all.
Doula and Birthworker Preparation;
Do you already find yourself holding space for others? Do you have a natural empathy towards other humans, particularly around the transitional time of birth and parenting?
Postnatal doula;
Holding space in the often vulnerable and magical metamorphosis time. I offer online training for postnatal doulas, via developing doulas on common postnatal topics; the fourth trimester, infant sleep as a developmental milestone and weaning to solids.
Compassionate Communication
I provide doula support and facilitate learning on the topic of communicating with compassion. How do we take care of ourselves and others within our communication?