Positive Birth Group – Zoom

***WE are running our group sessions on zoom during COVID 19***

The Positive Birth Group Cambridge and Tell Me a Good Birth Story are both grass roots movements to offer positivity about childbirth via a global network of free Positive Birth groups, linked up by social media which aims to encourage people to Meet Up, Link Up and Shake Up Birth! Whether at home or in hospital, with or without medical intervention: every women deserves a positive birth.

“Talking to a woman with a GOOD birth story to tell is like having a magic key.”

The message, ‘I did it, so can you,’ is more powerful than you can ever imagine. Our group aims to put pregnant women in touch with new mothers willing to share their good birth stories.

The Positive Birth Group meets via Zoom until at least 2021 and when COVID restrictions ease.

The group is donation based to cover facilitator and running costs, facilitated by positive birthers, mum’s and birth workers.

We talk, over a cuppa, present the topic, facilitate discussion, and then when possible  listen to a mum talk about her positive birth story.


We welcome Dads and older siblings at our zoom sessions.  At our real life meets we provide some toys for the little ones to play with, however you could delegate the weekly food shop to Dad or there is a lovely cafe downstairs and park nearby if you’d like some alone time!

You can register to attend and find out our themes via our events pages on Facebook here: The Positive Birth Group

We can’t wait to meet you!!

P.s If you want to join our team of facilitators or if you have some time to contribute to admin or fundraising, please do get in touch at: [email protected]