3 Step ReWind Therapy for Birth Trauma


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The 3 Step Rewind Process was developed to deal with releasing fear and trauma from a single event, in particular for Birth Trauma.  Rewind takes place over  2 – 3 sessions, either in person or on Zoom or Skype and has a very high success rate.

3 Step Rewind is a gentle and effective process originated from neuro linguistic programming (NLP) that can help shift the heavy or unhelpful emotions and anxiety that are attached to any negative memories related to your experiences of pregnancy or birth (or ANY experience that has been experienced as traumatic).

The Rewind technique offers you the opportunity to talk about your birth experience if you would like to,  however the wonderful thing about this technique is that you don’t have to talk about your experience if that in itself is painful.

The goal of the technique is to free you from negative thoughts and feelings so that your fear and anxiety aren’t triggered on a daily basis and the technique is very sucessful whether you choose to talk about your experience or not.

Session 1: We would discuss the technique, check it is suitable for the difficulties you are experiencing and then work on the relaxation techniques that will be used in subsequent parts of the sessions.  You would leave the session with a recorded version of this relaxation to practise.

We can talk through your birth experience if you would like to at this session, but it is not essential.

Session 2: We would work through the technique to release the emotions that have essentially been trapped, using a guided meditation and relaxation script. You will usually feel better almost immediately after this session.

Session 3: We would arrange a follow up to see how you are feeling and talk over anything that you feel is important.

Cost for the complete 3 step Rewind session is £140.00 (plus mileage if you want to do face to face and you are outside of Cambridge)

I can offer evenings, weekends and some weekdays for sessions.


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